Resting upon the clay-abundant floodplain of the Bani River flood plain in Djenne, Mal, the Great Mosque of Djenne- or at least its architects - designed the structure to be made up of the materials drawn directly from underneath their feet - sun-baked earth bricks called ferey. The end product inevitably look like a building that literally rose from the ground, therefore making it very specific to the area that it was built in - the mosque would surely look absurd if it were to be placed in the British grasslands. It can be said that the building have acheived the 4 folds of architecture - sky, earth. dwelling, and people. The sky is from the many punctures that are made on the facade, the earth is, of course, its building material, the people is the religiousness of the place (a mosque) which draws people in, and lastly, the dwelling - a place for people to rest in. The Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt is also another example of how building something out of the local material (in this case, lime stone blocks which are believed to be transported from nearby quarries) can attach the architecture to its context (the desert) very tightly.

On a smaller scale, the Medition House in Lenbanon by MZ Architects did a similar thing by continuing the slope of the rocky hill onto the stone roof of the house. Many point out to the fact that the house resembles a giant fallen rock nestled on the edge of the hill.
Both architecture shows how contemporary architecture can embrace the notion of the ‘sense of place’ that once give rise to majestic architecture such as the Great Mosque or the Great Pyramids.